Everyday Life

 Things have been a little crazy in my life lately. My husband got a new job. Totally his dream job and I've been trying to simplify my household, by cleaning out and getting rid of stuff we never use. While doing all that we also started some light remodeling to our bedroom and bathroom. Also got some custom made furniture for our bedroom and bathroom. 

I have been taking more time to cook a lot of stuff we love to eat when we eat out. I decided to no longer buy bread and I've been making bread. I quit buying repackaged food and I've invested into learning to make my own sauces, dips, etc. I recently bought a new rice cooker and it's my favorite thing in my kitchen. We eat a lot of rice and we love it!

Open Acrylics

When I'm not busy with homeschooling my daughter and doing something in the kitchen, I've been trying to get a few hrs in here and there to create art. I finally got around to trying out open acrylics. This is the first completed painting I did and it's just a practice piece. It's 5"x7" on Strathmore Oil Painting Paper. I actually used the reverse side, because it's a little smoother. The only thing I don't like about this paper is it will tear easily when removing tape. I find that if I make the tape less tacky it helps, but also if I can get the edges of the paper painted it helps more. As far as the painting part goes. I started with an undertone in regular golden acrylics. Then I painted the rest with Golden open acrylics. They are very easy and nice to work with. I plan to do a lot more art with them. I want to try wood sometime, but for now I'm going to be sticking with paper.


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